Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Are you Assertive?

Note: Sorry no new blogs - I have been conducting training over the last few days and it has been hectic.

Here is a  psychometric "test" to see how assertive you are.

Tick the appropriate column.

                                                                                          Yes      Don’t know     No
      1.If your meal in a restaurant was
   was not to your liking, would you
2.Are you afraid of persons in authority?
3.Would you refuse a suggestion
   that you should stand for chair
   of  a club?

4.If the telephone rang just as you were going out,
  would you tell the caller to ring later?  

5.Would you complain if your wine had a small
piece of cork in it?

6.If a neighbour asked to borrow your mower,
would you refuse?

7.If an appliance went wrong,would you
complain to head office,even if it was repaired?

8.You are trying to diet and you are given
a box of choclates.Would you eat them?

9.If you are kept waiting at the doctor's surgery,
would you complain?

10.A local cat digs up your garden flowers.
Would you complain?

11.If the dog next door kept on barking,
would you object?

12.If you are not happy about your car repairs would
you complain to the garage?

13.Would you object to a passenger smoking on a non-smoking train?

14.Do you find it difficult to take advice from other people?

15.If a salesperson was not attentive to your request, would you complain?

Scoring instructions

          Yes       Don't know       No

1.       2           1                       0

2.       0           1                       2

3.       2           1                       0

4.       2           1                       0

5.       2           1                       0

6.       2           1                       0

7.      2            1                       0

8.     0             1                       2

9.     2             1                       0

10.   2             1                       0

11.   2             1                       0

12.   2             1                       0

13.   2             1                       0

14.   2             1                       0

15.   2             1                       0

Scoring analysis

26 - 30      Exceedingly assertive

22-25        Assertive

18 - 21     Slightly assertive

13 - 17     Mild

9 - 12      Very mild

5 - 8        Placid

0 - 4        Very placid

In the next blog I will share how you can increase your assertiveness or if  necessary decrease it.

Stay tuned

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